Sunday, March 1, 2009


We took another trip to France, this time only for the weekend so we could see Normandy. This trip was very different from any other we spent. Yes, it was site seeing, but the feeling around you was so solemn. I do not think I can even explain it. Seeing the crosses...row after row going on forever, each one with a name, rank, and state on it. Each one a real person who died. It was an amazing thing to see. Then going down to Omaha Beach, reading the descriptions of what it looked like the day of the battle, really brought it to life. We saw a cliff that was scaled by American troops in which they attacked and took over German bunkers. Walking through the holes, now grown over with flowers and grass, which were made by bombs, and walking through the sleeping/hiding areas in which they took cover, which caused me to have to duck inside and I am not ever 5'. It was all crazy to think about. It was really cool to see the American Flag all over the place as well. All over there were Americans going to visit the site, and talking to some of these people was cool because we talked to a few who were in the battle....all well into their 80's now, nut still remember it like it was yesterday. I think this was one of my favorite trips because it really made me think about things, and brought history to life.

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