Sunday, March 22, 2009

Around Bognor

This is a picture of the dorm I stayed it, and a picture of us on the beach in Bognor Regis, the town I stayed in, eating Subway. The beaches there are very rocky, and cold!

The Roman Baths

A picture at the Roman Baths in Bath England. The water was gross, and VERY hot. The other one is a picture of all the money that was thrown into one of the cold baths.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Skydiving in Switzerland

Switzerland! The first one is of the School crossing sign, then me signing a paper saying that when I jump I might die! Then me waving bye before entering that tiny plane!! Jumping pictures to come soon....

St. Patrick's Day!

Here are pictures of St. Patrick's Day weekend!


So I figured out how to add pictures! Here is a picture of Edinburgh Castle,as well as the view from the top.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Canary Islands

The Canary Islands was probably the most relaxing trip we took, as well as the cheapest! We basically spent 4 days laying around by the pool, drinking, sleeping, and eating! We stayed in Maspalomas, which in on the south end of the largest island.


We took a trip to Switzerland one weekend. It was really cool to see a small swill town! We saw the "schul zone" and LOTS of goats! The mountains were so pretty, as was the rest of the scenery! We went sled riding down these HUGE hills, which was a blast, and then my favorite part....skydiving over the Swiss Alps! I have LOTS of pictures of my dive, as well as a video of me the whole way down because someone jumped in front of me and took pictures. It was so amazing to see the mountains from that far up! I would LOVE to do it again!

Sunday, March 1, 2009


We took another trip to France, this time only for the weekend so we could see Normandy. This trip was very different from any other we spent. Yes, it was site seeing, but the feeling around you was so solemn. I do not think I can even explain it. Seeing the crosses...row after row going on forever, each one with a name, rank, and state on it. Each one a real person who died. It was an amazing thing to see. Then going down to Omaha Beach, reading the descriptions of what it looked like the day of the battle, really brought it to life. We saw a cliff that was scaled by American troops in which they attacked and took over German bunkers. Walking through the holes, now grown over with flowers and grass, which were made by bombs, and walking through the sleeping/hiding areas in which they took cover, which caused me to have to duck inside and I am not ever 5'. It was all crazy to think about. It was really cool to see the American Flag all over the place as well. All over there were Americans going to visit the site, and talking to some of these people was cool because we talked to a few who were in the battle....all well into their 80's now, nut still remember it like it was yesterday. I think this was one of my favorite trips because it really made me think about things, and brought history to life.


Following our trip through the Loire Valley we proceeded to Bordeaux. WINE COUNTRY! We literally tried wine after wine as we went from winery to winery! One other really cool thing we did was we went up in this old clock tower, it took forever to get up, and it was so many steps, but once up there we could see for miles! The city around us, as well as the vineyards out in the was beautiful! We saw many more castles, which are a site in themselves...they are just so different from anything here in the US. Once we were done here, we went back up to Paris by train to fly back to England.